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Posted by you; first pairing session start time: 2021-03-08T15:10Z[UTC]

First pairing session planed for 20 minutes

Sure, let’s do it! 😊


Haha truly! Nice to meet you race! What about a cup of coffee today evening? ☕️


Sure, let’s do it! 😊


Great I will write later the exact time and place. See you soon!


I have tried thing like


scala, korolev, html


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset s

Zhenhao Li

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Zhenhao is the founder of PairTime.

He contributed to a few open source projects, but is a maintainer of none

In 2015, Zhenhao dropped out of his PhD program in mathematical logic to explore the tech world.

He worked as a junior consultant at Accenture for 1.5 years, helping clients with their data challenges using Spark, Flink, and Kafka. Then, he worked as a data scientist and data engineer at Connecterra, an AI startup in Amsterdam, for more than 2 years, putting ML models into production and building ETL pipelines and feature engineering pipelines.

In 2019, Zhenhao became an independent consultant to bootstrap his startup project PairTime, the product you are using now.

Areas that Zhenhao can help you with:

  1. 1. big data tech such as Spark, Flink, and Kafka
  2. 2. machine learning applications
  3. 3. domain driven design
  4. 4. event driven architecture
  5. 5. event sourcing
  6. 6. distributed systems and Akka
  7. 7. functional programming